CamAPS FX is a medical device.
Please use it according to the instructions for use or label.

Clinical Practice Disclaimer

Successfully demonstrating CamAPS FX competencies, does not provide a healthcare practitioner, trainer or person with the license to practice outside of their professional scope of practice or outside the remit that their employer has empowered them to undertake.

Edify cannot be held liable, should a clinical incident occur as a result of care provided by a CamAPS FX certificated healthcare practitioner, trainer or person.

EU Regulatory Statement

This online training does not replace or supersede the instructions for use. It should not be considered the exclusive source of information and should be used in conjunction with the CamAPS FX user manual.

Please see the CamAPS FX user manual for information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events.

For further information, please contact CamDiab: